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150+ Excellent Pokemon Pick Up Lines That Works

Win your crush with the all-time greatest Pokemon Pick Up Lines. Connect the wonderful childhood Pokemon memories with your love to stay in his or her heart forever. Pokemon is more than just a tv show or video game. Pokemon is emotion, it is love. The longest saga of 22 years will remain untouched by other shows. Time weathers all things around us. But, nothing can take over the special corner we kept protected for these virtual monsters.

Pokemon is what we all like to think. Trends will come and go. Our childhood favorites are often way better than this gen content for kids. You can use the baseline content to connect with similar minds from the same generation. Pokemon pick up lines cute works like a magic spell when enchanted on any nerd. You will get at least more than one hour of deep conversation with your crush. Ask what type of pokemon, which pokemon is their favorite. Shows and games – you will get tons of ideas the get the conversation going.

You can read Best Pick Up Lines for Flirting here. Tons of fresh ideas to compliment the person. The special one you want in your life. Handful things in life can make nerds happy. A good Pokemon RPG, webs series, and any reference of it. The games, series, and merchandise used to bring us immense joy. What can be a better pick-up line for 23 – 35 aged intellectuals than pick-up lines from Pokemon? Take advantage and make your life beautiful with your Pikachu.

Great 3 Pokemon Pick Up Lines

Worldwide famous pokemon pick up lines ultimate collection here. I shortlisted from thousands of best pokemon pick up lines. Ready to catch your crush with the top 3 Great Balls?

1. Looking at your ass makes my Bulba Soar.
2. I can make your Jigglypuffs sing.
3. You must know Tail Whip. Because your beauty leaves me defenseless.

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Ultra Pokemon Pick Up Lines Dirty

Twice effective pokemon pick up lines dirty like ultra balls for you. Use not-so-ordinary cheesy pokemon pick up lines carefully.

4. You make me erupt like the Cinnabar Island volcano.
5. Yveltal is red, Xerneas is blue, Fennekin is cute, But not as cute as you.
6. Butterfree up your schedule, because you’re going out with me.
7. My Lickitung can reach deeper than you can imagine!
8. I’d like to Leech my Seeds into you.
9. I’d like to Slowpoke your Cloyster.
10. When I look at you, my Metapod can’t get any harder.
11. I’m Natu fond of anyone but you.
12. Let’s have a Togepi of our own!
13. Wynaut go out with me?
14. When I’m around you, I’m like a Geodude. As hard as a rock!
15. Want my Caterpie to use String Shot on you?
16. My love burns for you like the fire on a Typhlosion’s back.
17. You just gave me a Cubone.
18. My Donphan won’t Rollout for you much longer.

Cubone hints as pick up lines about sex.

19. Damn girl! Those are some nice Hoothoots you got there.
20. I think we’re going to need Defog before the night is done.
21. You’ll be Weezing after I’m done with you.
22. I’d like to ride you like a Horsea.
23. Let’s make RegiLove!
24. My Diglett’s attracted to your Sweet Scent.
25. Let’s make like the pages of this guide book and get under the covers.
26. Do you wanna to ride my Em-pole-on?
27. I’d like to Pikachu naked.
28. Let’s make like a Super Rod and hook up.
29. I’m going to Hoppip into your pants.
30. You’re so cool I’d need an Ice Heal just to chill with you.
31. You must know Gust. Because you totally blew me away.
32. You may want to catch ’em all, but I only want to catch you.
33. I can make your Milktanks moo.

Gyrados Hydropump indeed one of the finest dirty pokemon jokes.

34. Is that a Sudowoodo in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
35. You make my Gyrados Hydropump!
36. You give my Gengar that smile.
37. Hi baby, do you want to see my Poli-wag?
38. You put the “cool” in Tentacool.
39. You remind me of Deoxys. You’re out of this world.
40. If I were a Hitmonchan, I’d Thunderpunch dat ass.
41. How would you like me to use my Onix to Bind you to my bed?
42. I want to Squirtle all over your Jigglypuffs.
43. Can I Squirtle in your Meowth?
44. Baby, I’m a Mismagius. I’ll make all of your wildest dreams come true.
45. You’re worth more than a thousand Nuggets.
46. Did you learn Flash? Because your smile could light up the Darkest Caves.
47. You make me Rhy-horny, girl.
48. Are you from the Hoenn Region? Because you’re the only HO I see.

Squirtle is a nice context for dual-meaning sexual pickuplines.

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Master Pokemon Pick Up Lines Song

Catch at 100% accuracy using pokemon pick up lines song. Master ball like these lines can make the wonder in your life.

49. Aipom’s pretty good with his hands, and so am I.
50. How about you come and see my Safari Zone.
51. Want to Link your cable onto me?
52. Are you a Hitmonlee? Because your body is kickin’.
53. You remind me of Pokemon. I just want to Pikachu.
54. Do you want to watch my Ekans evolve?
55. You just Weedle-d your way into my heart.
56. If I was a Pokemon right now, I’d be an Erectabuzz
57. Are you a Pikachu? Because you’re shockingly beautiful.
58. My Magikarp knows a little more than Splash if you know what I mean.
59. I think I need a Paralyze Heal, because you’re stunning.
60. Do you have a Ditto in your pocket because I can see myself in your pants.
61. Do you want to help my Ekans learn intercourse?
62. Hi baby, how’d you like it if I stuck it in your Wooper?
63. If you were a Pokemon, you’d be a Squirtle. Because you make me wet!

Charmander is the all-time most loved sweet pokemon pick up lines context.

64. You put the “bone” in Cubone.
65. I bought you an Everstone because I love you just the way you are.
66. You must be a Charmander. Because you’re getting me hot.
67. I’m a real Machamp, if you know what I mean.
68. There are plenty of fish in the sea. But you’re my Golden Magikarp.
69. Hey girl, my Shellder wants to clamp onto your Slowpoke’s tail!
70. Do you know Dig? Because you just dug your way straight to my heart.
71. I’ll use Rock Climb in your Fortress.
72. I heard Meowth’s not the only mischievous pussy in town.
73. I’d Pound you with my Piplup.
74. Do you wanna play with my Poke Balls?
75. Hello Beautifly, you’re looking absolutely Goldeen tonight.
76. Will you use Rock Polish on my Pokeballs?
77. My Bulbasaur knows Tickle.
78. Do you like Pokeballs? Because you’re about to get really close to mine.

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Safari Pokemon Pick Up Lines For Girls To Use On Guys

Prepare pokemon pick up lines for girls to use on guys with the help of Abra. Guys love to evolved Alakazam.

79. Do you wanna battle? Because my balls are at the ready!
80. You’re so hot, I’m going to need a Burn Heal.
81. Don’t make me use Water Gun all over you!
82. Squirtle isn’t the only one that can use Water Gun. Do you want me to show you?
83. I wish I was an Abra. So I could Teleport to your bedroom.
84. You’re more beautiful than a Beautifly.
85. Hey beautiful, do you want to Spoink?
86. I wish I was a Seaking, so I could Horn Drill you.
87. You put the “Wiggle” in Wigglytuff.
88. You put the “Double-D” in Dodou.

Charm attack works pretty well as pokemon go pick up lines.

89. Have you been taking lessons from a Lickitung?
90. It feels like my Attack suddenly dropped. It must have been your Charm.
91. My Exeggcute are pretty weak. Let’s battle so they can get some experience.
92. Starmie and Staryu belong together.
93. Is that a Tangela down there?
94. I’ve got Masterballs baby.
95. I’m like a Ditto. I’ll be anything you want me to be.
96. STD’s are like Pokemon baby, gotta catch ‘em all! Do you want to help me out?
97. Can I get into your Secret Base?
98. You set my Chimchar on fire.

Bulbasaur pick up lines are available in our top 3 section.

99. Like an Umbreon, I also evolve at night.
100. I wanna Munchlax your Cloyster.
101. You’re such a good catch. I think I’ll use my only Master Ball on you.
102. How about you use Rest, so I can sleep with you.
103. If I were a Ghastly, I’d seep right through your pants.
104. I wanna see your Squirtle squirt.
105. If I were a Nidoking, you would be my Nidoqueen.
106. Do you want to play my Poke Flute?
107. You’re so hot you must have the Volcano badge.
108. Do you wanna see my Bell-sprout?

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Moon Pokemon Pick Up Lines For Girls

Bloom her beauty with pokemon pick up lines for girls.

109. I wish you were the ground and I was a Diglett so I could be inside of you.
110. You’ve got the lips of a Jynx!
111. Do you wanna see my Nuggets?
112. Are you an HM move? Because I can’t seem to forget about you.
113. If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
114. Are you a Rare Candy? Because I feel a level-up.
115. Why don’t you and me go back to my gym and have a naked battle.
116. Charmeleons are red, Wartortles are blue, If you catch my heart, I’ll be your Pikachu.
117. I’d like to Rock Slide all the way through your Dark Cave.
118. I wanna spread Honey on your Forretress.

You can try Magikarp for cute pokemon pick up lines.

119. Do you wanna Lickilicky my icky sticky?
120. When I saw you girl, my Metapod used Harden.
121. Can I fertilize you with my sunkern?
122. I must need an Awakening, because I just found the girl of my dreams.
123. You must be a Magnemite because I’m attracted to you.
124. If you were in a Pokemon Contest, you’d win first place in the Beauty Contest.
125. I wish I was a Magikarp, so I could use Splash on you.
126. You make my Darkrai rise.
127. I’d like to get in your rock tunnel.
128. You must know Earthquake, because you’re smile leaves me shaking inside.

Pikachu pick up lines mostly works like magic.

129. My love for you burns like a Charizard’s tail.
130. My Typhlosion knows Eruption.
131. Did you just FLASH(HM 05) me?
132. You make me feel like an Electrode, you give me an Explosion in my pants.
133. Let’s go make a Mewtwo of our own.
134. If I were a Pidgeotto, I’d Gust your pants off.
135. My Gyarados is big enough for you to ride it all day and night.
136. If I were a Milktank, I’d use Attract on you.
137. It’s a good thing that I’m a Pokemon trainer and can handle your Jigglypuffs!
138. Are you a Flareon? Because you’re a sexy fox.

Lure Funny Pokemon Pick Up Lines

Confuse Ray gives you funny pokemon pick up lines. You can try pokemon pun pick up lines to make someone smile.

139. Did you use Confuse Ray? Because you are making me dizzy.
140. Do you want to register your number in my PokeNav?
141. Girl, did you just use Flash? Because you light up my world.
142. I made you some MooMoo Milk, but I forgot to use my Milktank.
143. If I were a Clefairy, I’d Double Slap that ass, girl.
144. You must be a hot girl. Because I want to stick my Onix into your Cloyster.

Charizard’s breath is a badass pokemon puns dirty.

145. What’s your favorite move? Mine is Lick.
146. You’re hotter than a Charizard’s breath.
147. My Kadabra just used Future Sight. And it looks like we’ve got a future together.
148. Your going to need a Hyper Potion by the time I’m done with you, girl.
149. Your smile is stronger than a Hyper Beam.
150. Do you wanna see what’s in my ball bag?
150+ Excellent Pokemon Pick Up Lines That Works
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Final Words

Thank you for reading my Pokemon pick up lines article. I hope the 150+ Excellent Pokemon Pick Up Lines That Works helped you. People who are searching pokemon pick up lines clean or pokemon name puns also will get some ideas here. Loved reading my article? Please share on Facebook or any other social media platforms.

Melinda Davis
Melinda Davis
Melinda Davis is a Licensed Marriage, Family & Relationship Therapist. She writes primarily about mindfulness, spirituality, and self-development and loves to share her knowledge about love, heartbreak, friendships, and relationships. Hit the contact form to get in touch with her.


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