Nicknames come in all shapes and forms, but the pet names that you call the love of your life are always unique and swoon-worthy. These nicknames come into play almost immediately once you start dating, and your actual name is soon forgotten.
One aspect of relationships that you probably either find endearing or super annoying, is couples having nicknames for each other. Sure, a lot of people have nicknames based on their actual first names. But the nicknames you give your significant other are different.
There are several tips and guidelines for choosing the best nickname at the end of this article as well. With this article, your endless search for the perfect Couple Nickname should come to an end, as a good number of nickname ideas have been provided.
A cute pet name could be her own special name, or it could be her name in a text chat or in your contact list. Sharing that nickname can strengthen your bond. So here I share some of the Cute Couple Nicknames you just need to choose.
Cute Couple Nicknames
Cute Couple Nicknames can be inspired by flowers, fruit, or anything sweet like candies or desserts.
Love | Lambchop |
Lover | Lambkin |
My Love | Little… |
Dear | Little Dove |
Dearest | Looker |
Honey | Love Boodle |
Beloved | Love Bug |
Babe | Love Face |
Baby | Lovely |
Sweetie | Love Muffin |
My Sweet | Lover Boy |
Sweetheart | Lover Girl |
My Queen | Lover Pie |
Princess | Lovey Dovey |
My King | Loveylove |
Prince | Lovie |
My Prince | Lubber |
Twin Flame | Lumlums |
Other Half | Luv |
Heart’s Desire | Luv Puppies |
Complement | Magic Princess |
Kindred Spirit | Main Squeeze |
Affinity | Mama |
My Life | Mamacita |
Adam and Eve | Mami |
Antony and Cleopatra | Marshmallow Man |
Batman and Robin | McDreamy |
Ben and Jerry | McSteamy |
Bert and Ernie | Mister Cutie |
Bonnie and Clyde | Monkey |
Bow and Arrow | Monkey Buns |
Chip and Dale | Monkey Butt |
Choccie and Biccie | Mookie-Pookie Bear |
Cinnamon and Sugar | Mooky |
Cutie Pies | Muffin |
Definite Doublet | Muffinhead |
Divine Duplicate | Muffy |
Double Barrelled Duo | Muggles |
Double Trouble | Muncie |
Doughnut and Danish | Munchkin |
Dow and Jones | Muppet |
Fire and Ice | My All |
Good Twin and Evil Twin | My Beloved |
Gruesome Twosome | My Beautiful Beloved |
Holly and Ivy | My Boo |
Laurel and Hardy | My Dear |
Lock and Chain | My Everything |
Lucy and Ethel | My One and Only |
Magic Gemini | My Special Star |
Cool Couple Nicknames
Here are some Cool Nicknames for Girlfriend best in use.
Magic Mates | My Sweet BoY |
Maple and Golden | My World |
Milk and Cookies | Num Nums |
Pair – annoy Ya! | Old Lady |
Paris and Helen | Old Man |
Peanut Butter and Jelly | Pancake |
Peas and Carrots | Pandabear |
Peat and Repeat | Papi |
Perfect Match | Papito |
Peter and Piper | Paradise |
Quick and Nimble | PB&J |
Rascal and Scamp | Peach |
Romeo and Juliet | Peaches ‘n’ Creme |
Sacre Bleu and the Red Barron | Peachy Pie |
Salt-n-Pepper | Peanut |
Schnucki and Putzi (German) | Perfect |
Scooby and Shaggy | Pet |
Shake and Bake | Petal |
Sherlock and Watson | Pickle Head |
Siamese Twins | Pickle Pie |
Smash and Dash | Pineapple Chunk |
Spring and Summer | Pinky |
Sweet and Sour | Pinup |
Terrific Twosome | Pinup Girl |
The Dynamic Duo | Pooh |
Thelma and Louise | Pooh Bear |
Thunder and Lightning | Pooka |
Tit and Tat | Pookie |
Tom and Jerry | Pooky Pooky |
Tristan and Isolde | Poopie |
Two Peas in a Pod | Poopsie |
Wilber and Charlotte | Pop Tart |
Xena and Gabrielle | Pork Chop |
Yin & Yang | Precious |
Zig and Zag | Pretty Girl |
Adorable | Pretty Princess |
Alliebear | Prince Charming |
Amazing | Puddin’ Head |
Angel | Pudding |
Angel Eyes | Pudding Pop |
Angel Face | Punk |
Angel Heart | Punkin’ |
Angel of Mine | Punkin’ butt |
Apple of My Eye | Puppy |
Babes | Pussycat |
Baboo | Queen |
Baby Angel | Queenie |
Baby Bear | Romeo |
Baby Boo | Roo Roo |
Baby Boy | Rose |
Couple Nicknames for him
There is a say that “Love bite follows by Love Fight”. So don’t hesitate to make her angry by using Couples Nickname for him
Amigo | Rockstar |
Amore | Sexy Pants |
Baby Daddy | Sir |
Bad Boy | Snuggle Baby |
Bae | Snuggle Bug |
Batman | Snuggle Butt |
Beast | Snuggle Muffin |
Bestie | Snuggy |
Big Fella | Sweet Cakes |
Big Guy | Sweet Stuff |
Big Papi | Sweet Thang |
Boss | Sweet Thing |
Bossman | Sweetie Pie |
Charmer | Sweetums |
Chewbacca | Tator Tot |
Chief | Thunder Cat |
Chip Munk | Tough Guy |
Chubby Bunny | Warrior |
Chunk | Wolverine |
Chunky Butt | Wonder Boy |
Cool Hand Luke | Wookie |
Daddy | Yankee |
Deary | Zorro |
Dreamboat | Maverick |
Eye Candy | Meatball |
Fella | Mi Amor |
Fly Guy | Mister |
Fox | Monsieur |
Foxy | Mr. Big |
General | Muscleman |
Good Looking | My Angel |
Goofball | My Boy |
Gummy Bear | My Drug |
Heart Breaker | My Guy |
Hercules | One |
Honey Badger | One and Only |
Honey Bear | One in My Heart |
Honey Bee | Panda |
Hotshot | Panda Bear |
Hubby | Papa |
Hugs McGee | Papa Bear |
Hulk | Playboy bear |
Ice Man | Robin Hood |
Iron Man | Knock Out |
Jellybean | Loverboy |
Jock | Lovey |
Kid | Mack Daddy |
Major |
Couple Nicknames for her
Check some of the Couple Nicknames for her that might make her smile.
Baby-Bugga-Boo | Rosie |
Baby Cakes | Rubber Ducky |
Baby Doll | Rum-rum |
Baby Face | Saeedi |
Baby Girl | Sailor |
Baby Kins | Schmooooky Pookie Pooo |
Baby Love | Schmoopy |
Bambi | Sexy |
Beany | Sexy Dork |
Bear | Sexy Mama |
Beautiful | Sexyness |
Bee’s Knees | Shmoopie |
Better Half | Shmoops |
Big… | Shmoopsie Poo |
Big Boy | Shoogie Woogie |
Big Daddy | Short Cake |
Bitsy | Shorty |
Blossom | Shy Guy |
Blossom Butt | Silly Goose |
Bon-bon | Simba |
Boo | Sleeping Beauty |
Boo Bear | Slick |
Boo Boo | Slick Chick |
Boogabear | Smiles |
Boy | Smiley |
Browneyes | Smoochie |
Bubbies | Snicker Doodle |
Bubby | Snoogypuss |
Buddy | Snookums |
Bumpa | Snuggems |
Bumper Butt | Snuggle Bunny |
Bumpkin | Snuggles |
Bunny | Snuggly Bear |
Bun Butt | Snuka Bear |
Bunbuns | Soda Pop |
Buster | Soldier |
Butter Babe | Soul Mate |
Buttercup | Spark |
Butterfly | Sparkles |
Button | Sparky |
Cakes | Sport |
Candy | Spunky |
Captain | Star |
Casanova | Stinky |
Champ | Stud |
Charming | Studley |
Cheeky Chimp | Stud Monkey |
Cheeky Monkey | Stud Muffin |
Cheese Ball | Sugah Boogah |
Cherry | Sugams |
Unique Couple Nicknames
Make sure you check Couple Nicknames be unique that might motivate her.
Cherub | Suga’pie Honey Bun |
Chick | Sugar |
Chicken | Sugar Britches |
Chipmunk | Sugar Daddy |
Chunky Bunny | Sugar Lips |
Chunky Monkey | Sugar Mama |
Cinnamon | Sugar Muffin |
Cookie | Sugar Pie |
Cookie Monster | Sugar Plum |
Cowboy | Sugar Puff |
Cowgirl | Sugar Puss |
Cuddlebug | Sugar Smacks |
Cuddle Bunny | Sun Beam |
Cuddle Cakes | Sunny |
Cuddle Muffin | Sunshine |
Cuddles | Superman |
Cuddly | Superstar |
Cuddly-Wuddly | Super Stud |
Cupcake | Super Woman |
Cuteness | Sweet Cheeks |
Cutesy Pie | Sweetiepie Facecake |
Cutie | Sweetkins |
Cutie Head | Sweetness |
Cutie Patootie | Sweet Pear |
Cutie Pie | Sweet Potato |
Cutie Pootie | Sweets |
Daddy Mack | Sweetsie |
Daisy | Sweetstuff |
Darlin´ | Sweetthang |
Darling | Sweetum |
Darling o’ Mine | Sweety |
Dashing | Tarzan |
Dearest One | Tator-Tot |
Dear Heart | Teddy Bear |
Dearie | Teardrop |
Dewdrop | Tiger |
Diamond | Tiger Toes |
Dimples | Tinkerbell |
Doll | Toots |
Doll Baby | Tootsie |
Doll Face | Tootsie Wootsy |
Doobie | Treasure |
Doodle Bug | Tum-Tums |
Dork | Twinkle |
Dream Boat | Twinkle Toes |
Dream Girl | Uncle Upright |
Duckling | Winky |
Ducky | Wonderful |
Dummy | Yummers |
Dumpling | Zen |
Paired Nicknames for Couple
Check some of the Paired Nicknames for Couple here below.
Egghead | Sex Warlock |
Ever Girl | Sex God/Sex Goddess |
Ever Guy | Heart Slayer |
Everything | Heartbreaker |
Eyecandy | Bed Wizard |
Flame | Bed Torcher |
Flower | Fire Bender |
Flower Child | Hot Sauce |
Fluffer-Nutter | Johnny Rocket |
Frou-Frou | Cannon |
Fruit Cake | Rooster |
Fruit Loop | Aphrodite |
Funny Hunny | Scarlet |
Gangsta Baby | Luscious |
Georgia Peach | Smokin’ |
Gorgeous | Delicious |
Giggles | Tasty |
Gigi | Buxom |
Girlfriend | Bun Bun |
Golden | Good-looking |
Goldie | Bugs |
Goobers | Beau |
Goofy | Bubba |
Gum Drop | Love of my life |
Grrl | Stud-muffin |
Guy | Bo |
Handsome | Honey butter biscuit |
Handsome Baby Boo | Sugar snap pea |
Haven | Sweetie honey pie |
Heart Throb | Nutter butter |
Heisenberg | Pumpkin |
Hero | Honey bunches |
Hon’ | Sweet pea |
Honey Bun | Shug |
Honey Bunch | Freckles |
Honey Bunches of Oats | General |
Honey Bunny | Giggly |
Honey Cakes | Good Looking |
Honey Pants | Goofball |
Hot Lips | Gumdrop |
Hot Mama | Heart Breaker |
Hotness | Honey Bee |
Hot Pants | Hot Mamma |
Hot Stuff | Hotshot |
Hottie | Jellybean |
Huggalump | Jewl |
Huggy Bear | Jock |
Hun | Kid |
Hun Bun | Kitty Cat |
Hunk | Knock Out |
Hunky | Lady |
Hunny | Little Lady |
Hunny Pot | Little Mama |
Indian Princess | Lovey |
Indian Warrior | Lucky Charm |
Jelly Bean | Miss |
Joy | Missy |
Jujube | Missus |
Juliet | Miss Kitty |
Kiddo | My Angel |
Killer | My Girl |
King | My Drug |
Kissy Face | My Woman |
Kit Kat | My Ride or Die |
Kitten | My Treasure |
Spanish Couple Nicknames
Here are 40 Spanish nicknames that are cute, funny, and insulting—so soon you will have something to say about everyone in your circle.
Spanish Couple Nicknames | Meaning |
Mi alma | My Soul |
Amante | Dear love |
Mi Amor | My Love |
Corazón | Sweetheart |
Mi Rey | My King |
Osito | Little Bear |
Chiquito | Little One/babe |
Guapo | Good looking |
Hermoso/Hermosa | Handsome |
Papi | Daddy |
Novio | Sweetheart |
Cariño | Dear or Darling |
Mi vida | My life |
Mi sol | My sunshine |
Patito | Duckling |
Amigo | Friend |

How to Choose a Couple Nickname?
Choosing a suitable Couple Nickname isn’t a walk in the park. You’ve got to think outside the box to come up with something that’s sweet, unique, and relatable. We hope you could find a perfect girlfriend nickname from the collection above.
Embrace inside jokes!
Inside jokes can be a great source of nicknames. So just think whats types of jokes make her laugh just use that thing as her nickname. that will be hilarious.
Pick from Us
Just pick the nicknames for couples from our list and add something innovative to it. Mispronunciation is a great way to make a name your own.
Use your Memory
Think of things that remind you of each other. If you both have a favorite song or tv show, a nickname from that may remind you of each other.
Middle name can be Nickname
It’s common for people to have at least one middle name on their birth certificate. If you aren’t a fan of your first name, using one of your middle names can be a great alternative.
Consider Personal Characteristics
A lot of nicknames are drawn from personal characteristics or events that have happened. Just for an example, your girl friend’s name is Natali and she is short in height then you may call her “Little Natali”.
Avoid Extravagance
The nickname must not be extravagant.
Simple is Better
If your nickname is difficult to remember or laborious to pronounce, then it’s a no-go. Most good nicknames that stick with people are short and snappy. Always stick to nicknames that are low in syllables and easy to spell.
- Don’t call her the same thing her Ex called her. That’s asking for trouble!
- Don’t call her the same thing parent calls her. That’s asking for trouble!
- Don’t call her something she used to call her Ex. That’s asking for trouble!
Final Word
Hi, myself Melinda Davis.Thank you for reading my article. I and my team put the best efforts to create this post to help You with the best choices. I think you got the Perfect Couple Nickname.
We researched worldwide to get Couple Nicknames. If You found this article valuable enough. I will love to hear from You. Let me know your thoughts about this post in the comment section below. Share the good words on Fb or Instagram.