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100+ Cheesy Beach Pick Up Lines That Works

Get his or her number with beach pick up lines. Know your limits to make physical compliments. Smiling immediate approach much appreciated instead of hovering over. It is crucial to approach immediately. You have to approach confidently. Just like you spotted them. They are also aware of your presence. Gazing without an approach will make him or her uncomfortable.

Law of attraction works when you act naturally. Like a human approach. Share your thoughts. Never act like an animal. Targetting their foes from long distances. There are three great elemental sounds of nature. The sound of rain. Next the sound of wind in a wood. Most desired the sound of the ocean outside on a beach. People go there to connect with nature. Be part of it.

You can read Good Pick Up Lines for Flirting complete collection. Try your best to keep things light. A great smile on your whole face. To connect with ambiance keeping things light is essential. Especially at a place like a beach. Unfortunately, you cannot create a first impression twice. Coming on bold can conclude your whole game. True freedom is on the beach.

Top 10 Best Beach Pick Up Lines

Looking for best beach pick up lines? Beach is the perfect place where people flaunt what they’ve got. Everyone loves hanging out at the beach. Smoothen your chatting and flirting skills with good sun cream. Unlike bar head straight to your goal. Share your feelings and go with the flow.

Top 10 Best Beach Pick Up Lines
1 Want to know what my beach body looks like, dear?
2 The waves won’t be the only thing you’ll be riding today.
3 I love the way the ocean pounds the surf.
4 I was looking for treasure and I think I found some.
5 Are you a seashell? Because I’d like to pick you up and take you home with me.
6 You’re like the anti-fog spray for my goggles, you just brighten up my day.
7 Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?
8 I hope you know CPR because you are taking my breath away.
9 You should go in the water, cuz you’re so hot you’re on fire!
10 Do you have any sunscreen? ‘Cause, you are burning me up!

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Cheesy Beach Pick Up Lines

Melt him or her with cheesy beach pick up lines. Garnish these lines by handing over your phone.

11. Hey girl, is your name 400 IM? ‘Cause you took my breath away.
12. Your toy is so cool. May I play with it?
13. You have got the best beach body I have ever seen, darling.
14. You’ve got the fanciest fantail I’ve ebber seen.
15. Is your name Summer? Cause you are hot!
16. Your curves go on and on just like this beach seems to go and on.
17. Can you call a lifeguard? because i’m drowning in your eyes
18. There are 30 million grains of sand on this beach, but there’s only one you.
19. Your eyes are like a sunset, They’re Beautiful, inspiring, and hard to turn away from.
20. Nice beach balls, can I play?
21. I don’t know which is prettier today, the water, the sky or your eyes.
22. Are you the deep end? Because I’m ready to dive right in.
23. You look like you could use some help rubbing in that tanning oil
24. Am I tan enough for you? Or do I have to make myself a lot more tan so you’d want me?
25. Are you the source of the sunlight darling? Because you have got me going all red, darling.

CPR is a globally used beach puns pick up lines.

26. I’ve never won gold in the br*ast stroke, but that could all change tonight.
27. Your skin is burning like my heart.
28. Do you know CPR? Cause you’re taking my breath away.
29. You’re so hot, the sun is jealous
30. Hey, you wanna check out my long board.
31. Hey girl, I’d swim across the ocean just to see you smile.
32. Can I borrow your sunglasses? You’re blinding me.
33. Want to drive to the ocean and watch the phosphorescent waves?
34. Don’t save me just yet. Let me go down a few times.
35. I like your braces. They shine against the waves.
36. They called me the human torpedo even before I took up swimming.
37. Hey Mr. Lifeguard….swim over here and ride my wave.
38. Do you like this string bikini made from recycled polyester?
39. Can I swim in your eyes on a hot summer day?
40. Are you the deep end? Because I’m ready to dive right in.

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Funny Beach Pick Up Lines

Hilarious beach pick up lines funny to get your crush’s number. End the conversation with telling a smooth oneliner. You need their number to get in touch.

41. If you were a beach, I’d pick you to lay on.
42. Everything around here reminds me of beach balls.
43. Somebody call a lifeguard. Because I’m drowning in your eyes…
44. I seem to have sand in my bathing suit, wanna get it out?
45. Hear that? The ocean wants you to join me for a drink.
46. Are you a low interval sprint set? ‘Cause you’re making my face all red.
47. People tell me I have a good br*aststroke, but I’d say I’m a pretty good swimmer too.
48. Surf’s up—wanna be my board?
49. That bathing suit would look a lot better on the floor next to my bed.
50. I don’t want you to get a sunburn. how about i cover you with my body?
51. Can you tell me if the inside of my mouth tastes like saltwater?
52. Come to my beach, you can grab all the driftwood you want.
53. I hope you know CPR, because you’re taking my breath away
54. Are you a seashell? Because I’d like to pick you up and take you home with me
55. I hope you know CPR because you’re taking my breath away.

Sunburn is hot but is a funny beach pick up lines.

56. I’m not a very good swimmer, do you have any lifeguard experience?
57. Is it hot out here, or is it just you?
58. Wanna go to the beach? I’ll Greece you up.
59. I’m not a CPR dummy, but I’d let you practice some mouth-to-mouth
60. I wish I’d brought my towel, can I share yours?
61. I barely noticed you in the winter months.
62. I heard you and the ocean both specialize in chafing.
63. This sunburn is hot but baby your hotter.
64. Let’s go back to my place and get out of these wet clothes.
65. I feel like I’m in the Arctic, because when I’m with you it’s like the sun never sets.
66. I’m drowning in the sun and need mouth to mouth now!
67. I like long runs on the beach.
68. You make my heart slip and slide
69. I want to drink a S*x on the Beach and then I want to have s*x on the beach.
70. I’m drowning in the sun and need mouth to mouth now!

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Good Beach Pick Up Lines

Open conversation with anyone using good beach pick up lines. Don’t forget to text them right away.

71. If beauty were a grain of sand, you’d be a million beaches.
72. I must be lost… because I see paradise.
73. Have you been sunbathing? Cus you’re a tan.
74. I wish I could lick the salt off your lips.
75. The waves may be taking me away but id rather take you out.
76. If you got out with me, I can get you Michael Phelps’ phone number.
77. I’m not bragging or anything but, I’m Merman.
78. You’re so hot, the sun is jealous.
79. Do you want to see my snake on the beach?
80. Hey, wanna go for a romantic walk where the beach used to be?
81. I really like your swimsuit.
82. I prefer the European version of sunbathing.
83. I can’t swim! Can I hold on to your floaties?
84. How far back does your beach chair go?
85. Ignore the ray bans. There is nothing shade-y about me.

Sunscreen is a good beach pick up lines.

86. I seem to have sand in my bathing suit, wanna help me get it out?
87. Call me Spongebob? Because I’ll take you to the beach and make you sandy cheeks
88. Hey girl, I’d swim up to 800 meters for your love.
89. Do you have any sunscreen? ‘Cause you are burning me up!
90. I don’t know which is prettier today, the water, the sky, or your eyes.
91. The way you wear that sarong, it should be called straight.
92. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I swim by again?
93. I’d swim across the ocean just to see you smile.
94. I could put some motion in your ocean.
95. Do you have sunburn, or are you always this hot?
96. Wanna come jump in the water with me? Cause you just caught me on fire.
97. I’ll show you my tan lines if you show me yours
98. Let’s go back to my place and get out of these wet clothes.
99. That sure is a lovely set of lungs you are wearing today
100. I’m not a very good swimmer, do you have any lifeguard experience?

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How To Propose

You met in high school or via a mutual friend or on social media. You want to take the relationship to next level. Mutually both of you realized the importance of each other’s life. Now how to say the feelings? What if the expectations are not mutual? Will you lost the friendship if the answer is no?

Problem with this generation of E-relationships is too much availability. You and your partner are just one tap away from each other. Irrespective of any physical distance. We value things less when it is easily available. But if you purposefully distance yourself. Your competitors waiting on the list. What should you do to get your crush?

Love is easy, we make it complicated. Understand this first. Accept the fact not taking any risk is the biggest risk. Nothing is heavier than the burden of regret. Sorry for being tough. One day your children will thank me for this. Now see what are the dos and don’ts while proposing.

How To Propose
Do’s Don’ts
1. Make sure you’re on the same page. 1. Do not rush.
2. Chat with his/her parents. 2. Never propose on the first date.
3. Buy a ring. 3. Never execute without any exit plan.
4. Plan a celebration. 4. Too many expectations from beach pick up lines spoil the game.
5. Wear a good outfit. 5. Avoid proposing suddenly in chat.
6. Use a cologne to smell fresh. 6. Forcing logic after rejection can ruin your friendship.
7. Prepare a good backstory of yours. 7. Don’t be flashy. Spending more than what you earn.
8. Keep the ring safe. 8. Do not force coitus right after yes.
9. Arrange a very good photographer. 9. Never show up without proper preparation.
10. Prepare well beach pick up lines. 10. Don’t miss to groom well before the special day.


1. What is the best beach related pick up lines?

Are you a seashell? Because I’d like to pick you up and take you home with me. This is one of the most successful beach pick up lines.

2. What is a naughty pick up lines about the beach?

Nice beach balls, can I play? Try this beach pick up lines carefully. Nobody everone wants public coitus.

3. What is the safest good beach pick up lines?

Do you have any sunscreen? ‘Cause you are burning me up! No worry to crack this kind of beach pick up lines.

Cheesy Beach Pick Up Lines
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Final Words

Thank you for reading my beach pick up lines article. I hope the 100+ Cheesy Beach Pick Up Lines That Works helped you. Loved reading my article? Please share on Facebook or any other social media platforms.

Melinda Davis
Melinda Davis
Melinda Davis is a Licensed Marriage, Family & Relationship Therapist. She writes primarily about mindfulness, spirituality, and self-development and loves to share her knowledge about love, heartbreak, friendships, and relationships. Hit the contact form to get in touch with her.


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