Saturday, March 29, 2025

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100+ Fruit Pick up Lines Delicious Ideas You Never Tasted

Are you looking for a surefire way to score a date this summer, why not try using fruit pick up lines? Whether you’re at the beach, the farmer’s market, or your local grocery store, these clever lines are sure to get you noticed. And who knows, you might just end up with a juicy romance.

When it comes to flirting with a special someone, there is nothing quite like using a fruit pick up lines. These lines are not only creative and unique, but they are also sure to get a laugh. Here are some of the best fruit pick up lines that you can use the next time you are looking to score a date.

Take a look at Gym Pick up Lines. When it comes to fruit, there are a lot of people who love it and there are a lot of people who don’t. However, there is no denying that fruit is good for you. It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It can help boost your immune system, improve your skin, and even help you lose weight.

Fruit Pick up Lines

Delicious fruit pick up lines are good for you undeniably, whether you love fruit or not. People you never met also will relate to these flirty lines.

  • I can’t wait to have you, we’d make a PEARfect couple!
  • You are juice the cutest!
  • How about we go back to my place and cook up something to write about on my food blog?
  • I know, I know, I suck at pickup limes.
  • You must be a farm lover because you´ve grown some nice melons.
  • Olive you so much even though it hurts.
  • You’re berry much my type.
  • You my darling are one in a melon and in a berrylion.
  • Peas be mine, you make my heart skip a beet!
  • Fun fact dear! you’re a peach, and I could eat a peach for hours.
  • We should definitely forage together when the rains come.
  • It’s that time of the year so, will you be my Valen-Lime?
  • Honeydew, you know how beautiful you look right now?
  • The apple don’t fall far from the tree, so you must come from a family of hotties..
  • I might have to see the dentist cause Orange you so sweet.
  • If you will be mine, I lime yours.
  • If I ever let meat in my body, it would be yours.
  • I like you from my head to-ma-toes.
  • I have something for you that is long, hard, and has juice in it.
  • You should totally go on a date with me, I’ll make you cheery as a cherry!

Sweet Fruit Pick up Lines

Natural sugar fruit pick lines are good for health.

  • You are the berry best, you make my heart beet!
  • Do you have raisins? How about a date?
  • Maybe I’m not 8 inches but this banana is still worth peeling.
  • Damn girl, you sure know how to farm! Cause’ you are growing my stalk!
  • Hey, ever heard of this fruity game… I pop your cherry with my banana.
  • Care for a dance? Cause it takes two to mango!
  • I’d turn vegan for you.
  • How do you take your watermelon seeds, spat out or swallowed?
  • If you were a berry, I would turn you into jam and eat you all winter.
  • We could be runaway lovers, but I cantaloupe.
  • I would be broken if you go, because you hold the Kiwi to my heart.
  • If you’ll try my zucchini, your peach would be an amazing snack!
  • You probably know this already but your tomatoes look so juicy
  • I want to spank you like a disobedient avocado and then eat you out after.
  • Let’s pretend you’re a farm and I’ll be the table. We could make a sumptuous farm-to-table meal.
  • Are you a strawberry or blueberry person? Cause I need to know what kind of pancakes to order for you in the morning.
  • Let me be the avocado in your turkey sandwich. I know I’d fill you nicely.
  • Honeydew you know how sexy you look?
  • How about we take advantage of the harvest season?
  • You must be a banana, because I find you very a-peeling.

100+ Fruit Pick up Lines Delicious Ideas You Never Tasted

Cute Fruit Pick up Lines

Strawberry fruit pick up lines are very popular worldwide.

  • I’m not the greatest guy but I promise you I’m not a peach of shit.
  • Do you like cherries? If not can I have yours? I bet we’d make a cute pear.
  • I’ll bet you’ve got the sweetest juice, cause you are berry cute.
  • Anyone ever told you if you were a vegetable, you would be a CUTEcumber?
  • I’d say you’d be a fineapple if you were a fruit but you already know that.
  • Got any raisins? [No…] How about a date? You make my banana cream and I’m not talking about pies!
  • I’m a doctor and I’m good at what I do. They call me Dr. Grape…The G is silent
  • Sorry, I’m running out of pickup limes.
  • I love you from my head tomatoes
  • I am very passionate about keeping the peas on earth.
  • And we will live happily avo-after.
  • Are you a lemon? Because you make me want to pucker up.

Tasty Fruit Pick up Lines

Fresh fruit pick up lines tastes good.

  • I bet I’d got bananas for you and never wanna split.
  • I hope you like dates cause I’m really looking forward to enjoying one with you.
  • I think we’d make a cute pear.
  • Why are you so a-peeling? You’re probably a banana.
  • I’m not trying to sweeten you out but honeydew you know how fine you look right now?
  • Glum looks unattractive on you, sugar plum.
  • If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple.
  • Call me if you ever get hurt; I give lemon-aid!
  • I think you may hold the kiwi to my heart.

100+ Fruit Pick up Lines Delicious Ideas You Never Tasted

Funny Fruit Pick up Lines

Hilarious fruit pickup lines to make one blush red like a pomegranate.

  • You’ve got a peach of my heart.
  • We should plant seeds together, with my hoe cultivating your land – we’d have the best fruits.
  • You must be a raisin, cause you’re a raisin my eggplant.
  • I don’t know about planting eggs but I do know I’ve got a massive eggplant.
  • If you were an apple in a large orchard, I would still pick you!
  • Honeydew you eat a lot of mangoes? Cause you make a man-go crazy!
  • I hope you like carrots cause I’ve got a black belt in Carrate!
  • Here’s my number, kale me maybe?
  • I’ve bean thinking about you all day.
  • I’ll trade you two pineapples for a go at your cucumber.
  • I really like you so kiwi be friends?
  • Are you a frito cause you’re really corny.
  • How big does your squash grow?
  • Those are a lovely bunch of coconuts. I’d like to have a taste of what’s inside.
  • You’re driving me bananas.
  • I would live in a cornfield if it would make you stalk me.

Final Words

Thank you for reading my Fruit Pick up Lines. Loved reading my article? Please share on Facebook or any othaer social media platforms.

Melinda Davis
Melinda Davis
Melinda Davis is a Licensed Marriage, Family & Relationship Therapist. She writes primarily about mindfulness, spirituality, and self-development and loves to share her knowledge about love, heartbreak, friendships, and relationships. Hit the contact form to get in touch with her.


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